- 500g - 700g ham hock
- 200g split peas soaked overnight
- Mint leaves (garnish)
- 2 onions diced 1cm
- 2 carrots diced 1cm
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 stick celery diced 1cm
- 300g frozen peas, 50g for garnish
- 6 peppercorns
- 1/2 cup crème fraiche
1. Put the ham in a large pan with 2 litres water and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and drain off the water - this helps to get rid of some of the saltiness.
2. Recover with 2 litres cold water and bring to the boil again. Put everything but the frozen peas into the pan and bring to the boil again. Put everything but the frozen peas into the pan and bring to the boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook for 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 hours, topping up the water as and when you need to, to a similar level it started at. As the ham cooks and softens, ensure it is all submerged under the liquid. When the ham is tender enough to pull into shreds, it is ready.
3. Lift out the ham, peel off and discard the skin. While it is still hot, shred the meat. Remove the bay leaves from the soup and stir in the frozen peas. Simmer for 1 minute, then blend until smooth. Add more water if the soup is too thick, and return to the pan to heat through if it has cooled.
4. When you are ready to serve, mix the hot soup with most of the ham - gently re-heat if made ahead. Serve in bowls with the remaining ham scattered on top, with a dollop of crème fraiche, torn mint leaves and peas for garnish.
Recipe from the experts
Nutrition by Julie Dundon, AdvAPD Dietitian
NPA is a company of nutritionists and dietitians that give people the knowledge they need to make better food choices. For over 25 years the company has advised partners in the aged care and retirement industries throughout Australia by setting and auditing standards, as well as providing education to a range of different audiences.
Recipe by John Casey, Professional Chef
John is a professional chef with over 30 years experience in highly awarded restaurant kitchens all around the world. His most recent experience in the retirement and aged care industry has allowed John to take his food preparation knowledge and apply it to improving the health of older Australians through improved food quality and age-appropriate nutrition.
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